Monday, October 04, 2010

Two Halves Make a Whole

The plant on my balcony has been doing rather well the past three weeks. However, I was slightly alarmed to notice last week that about half of the blooms seem to have died, while the other half seem to still be perky and pretty.

I chose not to take that as a really bad omen; instead I elected to write it off as sheer inexperience on my part to look after plants. I’ve never really had a green thumb, after all.

Meanwhile, it didn’t escape me that half my week was downright crap; not altogether surprising given the emotional and stressful events of the moment. I know that the rollercoaster will continue to swerve and dip, and that will continue to impact my mood and motivation.

Fortunately, two sentences and two photos served to swing things back around for me, so that I continue to go forward with a smile on my face and my head held high, despite things.

Sure the SMS alert that sounded at 3.30am startled me awake, but moments later, when I read about a Boddies in the Old Monk, I smiled at the gesture: it came at just the right time.

A bit later in the day, I read the sentence, “I’m just too hoppy boppy,” and that struck me as an excellent way to express my sentiment, too. It’s not exactly something you can to say to everyone, but when the time suits, go for it.

On Thursday, I was totally surprised to receive two photos, which simply blew me away. Easily, they are the cutest things I’ve ever seen. While I am biased, I just wasn’t prepared to be so overwhelmed. They bring a smile to my face just at the mere thought of them: little bits of innocence, peace, and goodness…from a different era. It warms the heart.

Happy fuzzy thoughts tend to stick with me, and wow, did these ever come at just the right time. There’s always something to be said for finishing the week on a positive note.

So I continue to smile at these thoughts as I begin my last few weeks of work, all the while knowing I’m coming one step closer …

Now, I’m off to see about getting the other half of my plant to bloom.

Keep the faith

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