Sunday, October 24, 2021

Gotta Be Outside

 This week, the post is short (and maybe a little sweet). 

Work-wise, it was nonstop action Monday through Wednesday as I visited one of our facilities near Erfurt. I spent a couple of evenings getting to know some of my colleagues better, and it was a productive time. 

But it wore me out. 

I returned Wednesday evening, and still had another couple of hectic days to go before the weekend. This included a marathon afternoon full of back to back conference calls. I was really drained by the end of the last one, which ended just around 19h.  

That was the perfect time to eat dinner and fall asleep in front of the television set.  Like always, I woke up just as the credits were rolling, which was the sign to go straight to bed.  I did not care that it was only 21h, the shutters were coming down. 

This, of course, meant that the following morning, around 5, I was up, alert, and bewildered.  It was too early to go to work, but too late to go back to sleep. 

The early start to Friday hinted that my evening might end a little earlier, and sure enough, I was about 2 hours ahead of everyone for most of the day.  I clocked out at 18h, headed to the pub and stood outside in the chilly weather, enjoying a little time to myself. 

About the time I was kind of winding things up, a couple of friends stopped back (we refer to it as the "second shift" of pub time), and I had another one or two for the road, before returning home to watch the Arsenal match. 

The game went well, and got the weekend started off right. 

Saturday was low key, just like I wanted it to be.  That said, it meant today needed to be a bit more productive; flats do not clean themselves, nor do the clothes, for that matter. 

So, I have been domestically enjoying the morning getting the domestic duties taken care of.  By chance, I found a live set of the Bosstones to listen to, which is perfect housecleaning music,  I must say.  

And, it has got me pretty energized, so there is no possible way I can pass up an afternoon to be outside in the autumn sunshine.  The temperature is mild, as long as the sun is still out.  So, I am typing this last sentence, and headed out to enjoy the scene. 

See you out there


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