Monday, May 13, 2019

When Cleaning Your Flat, Always Pay Attention!

Today I am finishing up the last minute cleaning of my flat.  My father arrives tomorrow morning, and like always, I prefer to present a reasonably tidy flat.  Sure, maybe there is a bit of bachelor influence, but I would tend to say that most female guests (and both of you pat yourselves on the back!) have not had any reason to complain.

The reason that I felt compelled to jot down yet another quick post is merely because this morning I sprayed windex (or the German equivalent) all over my mirrors and windows.  Throughout the day I have been little irritated, as the window has continued to be streaky, and the mirror itself is really cloudy.  The product boldy states that NEITHER of those things would happen in use.  And, I have been using this product since I have been in Germany, without any problems at all.

This afternoon, I ran to do a quick plant watering job at Nadja's place, then returned home and decided to do the countertops in the bathroom again.  As I was spraying and wiping, I realized where things had gone a little wrong earlier in the day.  You see, I actually two spray bottles, both for the same glass cleaning product.  I cannot even remember why I had two of the same thing opened at the same time. However, last weekend during the BIG sandblasting cleaning escapade, I had finished one of the containers and rather than send it to recycling, I decided I would use as a "refill" bottle for my general purpose bathroom cleaner (the stuff you use on sinks, showers, etc).  I already had a little refiller packet which, when added with a little water (into a container), becomes the full strength product that you could normally buy at the store.  Cutting down on excess waste and all that.  I try to do that whenever I can.

What I forgot is that I now have two bottles that show that the contents are glasscleaner, but only one of them actually is used to clean glass.

As you might have already guessed, I spent the majority of the morning happily hosing down my mirrors with all purpose bathroom cleaner, hence the cloudiness.  No, it is not THAT big of deal, but more than once today already I thought to myself, geez, you need to get your eyes checked, Bryan.

I do not think this is quite as serious a faux pas as, say, cleaning your dishes by hand with toilet bowl cleaner, but it is up there. 

Now, the issue has been resolved, the mirrors are sparkling, and two seconds ago I almost accidentally walked through my patio door, it's so crystal clear.  Result!

It's time for Pop, so see you out there

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