Friday, June 10, 2016

Suck Potential and Other Domestic Bits

When I was a freshmen in college, a guy who lived down the hall on my floor in the dormitory stood out for a couple of reasons.  One, he was muscle-bound, albeit not overly tall.  Sure, there were a lot of pretty big guys who were hitting the gym and playing on the football team, but this guy didn't play any sports.  He was clearly only into bodybuilding, but clearly knew what he was doing in the weight room. 

Number two, he acted and spoke as if he came straight from the set of Valley Girl, which was a bit odd, as that film was already 5 years old, and perhaps more significant, this guy did not come from California.

Let be me clear, the guy was a nice enough and while we never were really friends, we certainly acknowledged one another around campus, in the gym, or wherever.  My school was small, and I was well aware that he had some intelligence, as our school was heavily focused on academics.  That being said, and although I didn't hold this against him, I couldn't help but think to myself regularly, "Gosh, this guy talks like a dipshit."

One of his key phrases was always, "Man, that has suck potential," which started to get annoying after about the 3rd time I heard him say it.  In the grand scheme of things, it was rather insignificant and I had forgotten all about it until this past weekend when I was doing the house cleaning. 

For the most part, I keep a pretty tidy flat.  I pick up after myself, and try and do a thorough cleaning at least every two weeks, if not once per week.  This includes hoovering.   Normally, I try to adhere to the rule of "shoes off," which really cuts down on the dirt and crud that one tracks through the house.  However, in the past month or so, I have had some back problems that made it somewhat painful to put on and remove my shoes every time I had to go somewhere.  This was only a short term solution, and as my back improved, I looked forward to getting out the vacuum cleaner. 

My little hoover works pretty well, but I decided to have a peep at the dust bag before I started cleaning last weekend, and sheepishly realized that perhaps it was time to install a new bag.  It might have even been better had I actually changed out the bag 4 years ago when it really needed it, but anyway, I changed the little bag out, flipped the switch, and then the extension tube that I was holding in my hand suddenly pulled a poster off the wall.  Part of me was amazed at the improvement in suction, but I was equally disturbed by the fact that the past couple of years at least my vacuuming had clearly not been so adequate. 

As I continued my cleaning, I found myself thinking about my first year of college and thought to myself, "Never underestimate the power to suck."

see you out there

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