Wednesday, June 22, 2016

Schnitzel Happens - Rain and Sun in the Summertime

Last evening, Germany played their final group stage game of the Euros, but instead of heading out to watch the game at a pub with a large crowd of people, I elected to watch it quietly at home.  This decision was driven primarily because I have been out every night since the beginning of the tournament, almost two weeks ago.  During June and July, it is always fun to spend as much time as possible outdoors.  It stays light much later, and as long as the weather is good, most people are outside enjoying the summer evenings.  Add the European Championships, and there is even more activity.  But, the body can only take so much before it needs a little break.

As much as I like (if not prefer) autumn and winter, I do enjoy this time of year, as long as it does not get too hot.  That has not been any problem so far this summer.  In fact, we have had rather a lot of rain over the past weeks.   However, as much as I like the rain, I looked forward to perhaps a few days with a bit more sunshine, particularly last weekend when some old friends came into town. 

Shortly before their arrival, the weather reports were pretty direct:  rain, rain, and more rain.
Sure enough, over their visit, we had rain, rain, and more rain.  What was a bit interesting is that we also had extended moments of sunshine, and several times we actually had rain and sunshine simultaneously. 
None of this deterred us from hanging out, seeing a few bits around town, and making sure that they got their fill of German cuisine.  

For me, it was one of the special situations where time seemed to race by and stand still at the same time.  It seemed like we had been hanging out for weeks, after the second day...
Then, suddenly it was Sunday evening and time to let things go back to normal routine. I would return to work after a couple of days off, and they would fly home to the US.

Yesterday in the gym, I checked myself on the scale, and was not surprised to see that I had put on a few kilos in the past days.  I, too, got my recent fill of local cuisine and apparently have a few souvenirs from the experience.   Well worth it, as far as I am concerned.

At any rate, that all helped me decide to have a quiet night at home last evening.  Germany won their match, and afterwards, I stood on my balcony for a few minutes and watched it start to rain.  Again.

As I stood there, I thought about my friends back in the states and wondered if they were going to do Taco Tuesday.  Ironically, I realized that that is what I had eaten for dinner, too. 

 "Yep," I said to myself as I turned to go back inside,"that was a great weekend."

cheers to Goliad. thanks for the visit.


1 comment:

Chris McKee said...

Schnitzel indeed does happen. What a great weekend. You put it well, time seems to both stand still and fly by. We covered a lot of ground and didn't do much at the same time. Loved it, and it definitely won't be 8 years before we do it again. Hopefully closer to 8 months. Keep an eye out for that flat for July 2017.