Saturday, February 12, 2011

Nicht Mehr Arbeitslos

When I used to wait for the train in Darmstadt, it was not unusual to have a train or two fahren durch, to pass right through the station without stopping. Sometimes it was simply a freight train carrying a load of new autos, other times it was a passenger train that just did not have a scheduled stop.

Because these trains tend to zip right through the station at a breezy 50 miles an hour or so, you kind of notice, especially if you are already waiting on that particular platform. Obviously, most normal folks waiting stand well back, as the noise and the wind is pretty extreme. Unfortunately, I was always that guy who was standing a little too close to the edge, and once or twice found myself quite startled at the sudden commotion caused by a train hurtling through the station. On one occasion, I was on the telephone, and suddenly we were interrupted for 30 seconds or so. Though brief, the disturbance was quite powerful. "Whatever in the fuck was THAT?" asked the person at the other end of the phone.

"Ah, just a train passing by. You should have been here on the platform with me. My clothes just got ripped off by the force of the wind."

As I tend to do, I imagine what it would be like if that passing train was MY train, and I had to get on while it was moving at almost top speed. (I think the conductor is supposed to slow down when passing through the station, but I personally believe that they gleefully step on the gas, just to see the reaction of the passengers waiting on the platform)

At any rate, I no longer have to imagine, as I found out what the experience of getting on a fast moving train which hasn't slowed down for you to board is like this past week as I started my new job.

In a word, whoooooooooooooosh.

I began the week last Monday in the German office, picking up my laptop and other IT accessories, getting a packet of new employee information from HR, meeting and greetinng (and promptly forgetting everone's name) throughout the particular office, and getting a somewhat brief overview of the departments.

The next morning, a colleague and I drove to Amsterdam, where we caught a flight to Glasgow. Upon arrival, we took a taxi to East Killbride, where I met my new boss, and the majority of the team that I am joining. The office moves at a tremendous pace, and I confirmed that I would be jumping right into the deep end, with very little time to get settled.

So, over the rest of the week, I was bombarded with information, new names and faces (promptly forgotten...thank goodness everyone has to wear an ID badge with their name printed on it), and passwords for the various applications, programs, etc that I will be using. Information overload, with a capital Holy Shit.

And it was more or less exactly what I expected. And that is a very good thing.

Though they are very busy, my new colleagues are very welcoming, accepting, and friendly. I get the impression that they will be fairly understanding, as well, which is rather comforting, as it will take a bit for me to get my head around all of the various processes, organizations, and repair sites.

So, I finished my first week of work at breakneck speed, and I think I did relatively OK. Sure, I was ready to board the plane on Friday afternoon for the return to Frankfurt. A bit of laundry and some shopping today, intermingled with a bit of footy and coffee drinking will pretty much sum up the weekend, and on Monday, I will be back in Glasgow.

Since the majority of my team is in Scotland, I will likely spend a fair amount of time there over the next couple of months so as to learn. Ultimately, I will be based out of a German office when I am not travelling around to repair sites.

We will just have to wait and see how that all develops.

Meanwhile, I am back in the mix. It is not a new life, per se, but it is a new job that will have it's various challenges and adventures in a variety of languages. Fortunately, I feel up to the task, and believe I will soon be finding my stride.

First though, I will catch my breath, and try to find a few articles of clothing that seemed to have been ripped off my body during the past couple of days.

keep the faith

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