Sunday, April 11, 2010

Coming Attractions...the Short Update

I've been making notes of things to write about over the past couple of weeks, and just keep running out of time to sit down and put up a post.

However, for a brief glimpse of what will be coming soon (and also to remind me of what I have to write about)...

- can a midlife crisis can be abated simply by kicking a hacky sack? well, it certainly helps.

- are Belgian pillows really that much more comfortable, or is it just that I got an sms from the states in the middle of the night that startled me out of sleep? (thanks, Chris, hope the Monk was fun that night).

- Messi really is faster than everyone on the Arsenal football squad.

- do I speak Spanish with a German accent, or is that just one author's opinion?

- why do I struggle so much with German prepositions?

I'm off to Ireland for the week to do a bit of work...

see you out there.


soundtrack -
Rise - Public Image, Ltd. (thanks Pablo)

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