Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Only a few words...

I have a poster on my wall from 1988, proclaiming „sin palabras.“ It was to commemorate Las Fallas, and I happened to be present for the festival that year, and somehow I managed to borrow the poster from my sister, both permanently and thankfully.

20 Years ago at this time, I was mucking around in Ireland. No real souvenirs to speak of, save for a pretty strong appreciation for Guinness and Jamesons.

Both experiences go down as truly memorable experiences in my life.

My recent trip to the states can be added to this list; I had quite the wonderful time. In fact, it was so special that I actually find myself unable to find the right words for a write up. Sin palabras, if you will. The feelings are just too great.

That said, I will give some special thanks to Brandon, Pablo, and the Change Maker for a great night at the Monk, Jeff for some excellent hang out time, Moe for a cool night of queso and swirls, and brother Hall for a nice telephone chat.

It has been a pensive start to the new year for me, which I don’t find too surprising. I tend to reflect most of the time anyway, on my past, present, and future.

Today, however, I am doing a lot of thinking along to the tunes of some punk bands that did a bunch of covers of popular songs from the 80s. It is making for a pretty interesting afternoon.

So, here’s to the new year, and taking the time to think. Bring on the dancing horses, if you like. Meanwhile…

Keep the faith

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