Friday, September 23, 2016

Solving a Few Hardware and Software Issues

A couple of days after my return from the quick stateside visit at the beginning of September, I assumed I would be almost through with any jet lag.  However, I wasn't quite prepared for any additional issues that might leave feeling a bit out of sorts.  For some reason, I had an incredible bloated feeling, as if I had just eaten a very large meal, and this pretty stayed with me for almost a week.  The German word for bloated is aufgebläht, which I think is a pretty cool word for a pretty unpleasant thing.

I basically stayed home most evenings during the course of the week and took care with my diet.  Towards the end of the week, I was thinking that I was feeling better, but would likely stay very quiet during the weekend.  In preparation of the upcoming quiet days, I placed a quick order for some DVDs, which all arrived on Friday morning, just in time for the weekend.

Like every other international traveler out there,  I have quite enjoyed the in flight entertainment options in recent years; they are so much better than the way things were 20 years ago when we all had to wait for the one movie to be shown to the complete cabin.  Now, there are so many options available for the individual to select, it is almost overwhelming.   Since I rarely watch any television, don't visit the cinema too frequently, and almost never do anything more than doze on an airplane, I look forward to catching up on a few films every time I travel to the states. 

The recent flights gave me a chance to see a couple of gems, including 2 films that I watched both going and coming.  The films, in my opinion, were that good.  (note to self - watch the Irish film with Nadja)

Any way, there I was on a Friday morning, happy to have some films to watch, and once I finished work for the day, I collapsed on the sofa and tucked in for the first movie.  I elected to watch the movie on a large laptop that I have; the screen is a nice size and oh by the way, my DVD player in my living room is not always 100% functional. 

50 minutes into the movie, the little message came up saying, "hey, your battery is about to die, so plug the unit right now."

This was surprising, because I had the adapter plugged into the wall right next to me. 

2 seconds later, the laptop abruptly shut off.   I was so engrossed in the plot of the movie, I was only halfway concerned about the laptop issue.  

I decided to try and use plan B, which was the home DVD player hooked up to my normal television monitor.   After a bit of difficulty getting the player to read the media, I managed to watch another 20 minutes of the film.  Then, the DVD player decided to quit. 


The DVD player on my work laptop has not worked in over a year (if it ever worked), so my 2 options were always the home player or the second laptop.  In fairness, the 2nd laptop is not particularly young, and I have been contemplating a new purchase over the past 18 months or so.  However, as long as it was functioning, it was pretty easy for me to delay any urgent purchase.

So, last Friday evening, I was dead in the water.  Lots of movies, nothing to play them on.  
I was not feeling well enough to even want to try and resolve the problems ( a replacement unit), and unfortunately, I was not feeling well enough to simply read a book as a way to enjoy the evening.  Most folks here are well aware that I am an avid reader, and despite the fact that I read 4 books while I was in Texas (thanks, Jetlag!), the books were typical top 10 bestseller newstand kind of books.  Bascially, this means that you are reading a movie.   In most cases, a couple of hours after finishing the book, you know it was good story, but you cannot remember any of the character's names.  

I decided grumpily to go on to bed, very early.  Hopefully a night's sleep would have me feeling one step closer to being back fit. 

For what it's worth, the early nighty night did actually help.  I lounged around the house for the rest of the weekend, only venturing out one time to get a few groceries.   I felt pretty sure that the upcoming week would bring better things for me, and at least I would feel physically better.

Sunday morning, I decided to resolve my electronic equipment problems, and made a couple of online purchases; they would be delivered by mid week. 

Here we are again on a Friday morning, and this week has been better (slightly), albeit different, than last week.  The full feeling is gone, so my tummy is happier.  The fact that I seem to by fighting off a cold and yesterday morning may have twinged my back again is creating some annoyance, but thankfully, my laptop is working again, and there is a very small new DVD player sitting on the shelf in my living room. 

From a watch movies at home perspective, order is restored.

Here's hoping that next week goes a whole lot better.

see you out there

Monday, September 12, 2016

A Little Bit of Culture Pub

Ok, so I didn't get anything posted during the month of August.  In an upcoming post, I will provide a bit further detail as to why I was unable to get my act together and sit down and write something a couple of times.  At any rate, today I am going to talk about pubs. 

I have always embraced the pub culture, and it has always been so much more than just simply about the beers.  Mostly it is the opportunity to gather and meet old friends and new friends.  None of this should come as a surprise to you, especially those of you who have been right there the whole time, whether it be in the Monk in Dallas, or the IBP here in Frankfurt.

Last weekend, during the Labor Day holiday weekend, I was in Dallas for a very special occasion.  However, I managed to carve a brief window in the schedule, send out a couple of hail mary text messages, and suddenly we had a little gathering at the Old Monk on a warm (ok, really hot) Saturday afternoon. 

And I loved it.

When I return to Dallas for any visit, the OM is always going to be one of my stops, and usually I try to slip in more than once, just for old times sake.  Sure, I no longer live down the street, and it is actually a bit of a hike to get there from my parents house.  That being said, there is NO way I can pass up a chance to visit the pub.  Maybe I don't need to go for a complete session (like the old days), but I need to be there for a few pints.  And a burger. 

Due to some wacky travel stuff, I didn't actually get into Dallas until Thursday, the 1st of September, which was the important day (and the main reason for my visit).  However, it also meant that I was a little off-kilter for most of my visit.  First, I was a day late (and almost a dollar short).  Second, my luggage didn't arrive until the Saturday (pub day), and not least of all, I was knee deep in the jet lag. 

All of those things aside, my family were also quite busy, but I had a coffee with my sister on Saturday morning and we hammered out a plan for the afternoon and evening.  It was pretty simple, really.  Meet at the Old Monk at 5pm. 

My previous stateside visit was last December, during which I only saw a couple of people, and due to busy schedules, holiday season, etc, I did not get to see too many folks.   I never get too worked about these kinds of things, but certainly do appreciate it when the stars align, people come of the woodwork, and it all works out. 

That is exactly what happened on the said Saturday.  My sister and I arrived just when some other friends were pulling into the parking lot.  Then, suddenly B shows up with his two kids.  That was a bit of a pleasant surprise, but after quick hugs, we moved into the little terrace of the pub, where we found a couple of tables over in a corner where we could visit and sort of stay out of the sun. 

Drinks were quickly ordered, and the kiddos were perusing the menu for a little snack,when young Chris arrived with his son, who greeted me with a joyful cry and a big bear hug.  We all were able to catch up a little bit, enjoy some bevvies and snacks served by our very friendly and attentive waitress, and before you know, Lori had showed up with the two girls, plus an extra friend.  I realized that it was close to 7pm in the evening, but the sun was still out, and there was plenty of room on the patio.  Furthermore, the kids were active, but not up to too much trouble, save for the "let's catch fried calamari in our mouths" game that went on for about, hmmm, maybe most of a basket....

At any rate, the Monk has never made too much of an issue about bringing in minors outside of allowed times, especially if they are well behaved, and we have always been able to quietly "have a word" which usually cuts us some slack.  Therefore, we all continued to visit and the drinks flowed pretty well.  At some point, I split a little tempura mushroom appetizer with my sister, and that helped fuel the need to load up on a proper cheese burger.  Delightful.

Pablo arrived at some point, and eventually B and the kiddos had to take off, but Ben showed up a few minutes after that, so we continued with the bevvies and the good company.  Delightful. 

Eventually, Lori took the kids home, but Chris stayed for one more beer, and then we called it a night. Pablo and Chris went their separate ways, and Lynne, Ben and I talked for a few more minutes in the parking lot, before finally heading home.

It was one of those brilliant evenings that just worked out perfectly.  I got to see a few key people that I normally wouldn't get to see (all at the same time), and as an extra bonus, I got to catch up on a bit of the family kiddo front. 

Sure, some might consider the evening just another good night at the Old Monk, and it certainly was.  The food is always good there, and the beer never disappoints.  But, like I said at the top of the article, it is all about the hanging out time that makes it special for me. 

So, two days ago, again on Saturday afternoon, I was back in Frankfurt, trying to get over my jet lag after a quick stateside visit, and I figured, "hey, why not go hang out in the pub for a bit?" and headed across the street to my local Kneipe. 

I had no real agenda, and had made no plans, but figured that a few folks would be out and about.  After all, the pub is right in the middle of the neighborhood, and there is always someone passing by.  I was able to catch up a with a few friends who I hadn't seen since before my departure to Dallas, only one short week before.  However, that is what you do when you see someone after an absence:  you catch up with them. 

In my little corner of Bornheim, it is normal to see families come out to the pub during the afternoon, just like we had done at the Old Monk.  And people were ordering snacks and burgers left and right, just like you would expect. 

As I chatted with friends throughout the evening on Saturday, I kept a bit of a smile on my face, as I fondly remembered where I had been the previous week.  That being said, part of that smile was simply because when you recognize a good pub, then wherever it happens to be, you just look forward to being there the next time.

I have a 3 month wait before I will get back to the Monk, but all in good time...

see you out there